Florist Kingaroy


Expert florists in Kingaroy

Linard Floral proudly provides flower delivery services to Kingaroy daily.

Our extensive selection caters to all tastes and occasions, ensuring you find the perfect gesture of appreciation, love, or celebration. Our flowers are always fresh, cut, and delivered directly to your doorstep in Kingaroy.

Kingaroy Flower Delivery

Delivery times are in the morning at 10 a.m., around lunchtime, and in the afternoon at 3 p.m. unless arranged prior through a phone call.

Order before 9:30am for same-day delivery. For more information contact us on 4162 3077.

Creating the Perfect Environment for Fresh-Cut Flowers

Our experience has taught us the importance of creating an ideal setting for our flowers, ensuring they remain vibrant and fresh for as long as possible. This commitment to quality allows our Kingaroy customers to enjoy their floral arrangements to the fullest.

Efficient Same-Day Delivery to Kingaroy

Our dedication to customer satisfaction extends to our delivery service, ensuring timely and reliable delivery every time.

Flowers for Every Occasion

We will take care of all your flower needs for any event and occasion, ensuring that every arrangement conveys the right message.

For exquisite flowers that make a statement, contact Linard Floral at 4162 3077 and arrange for same-day delivery in Kingaroy.

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