Classy is an impressive bouquet of pastel blooms. Light and delicate hues complement each other with elegant sophistication. A striking display of fresh flowers, this pastel bouquet features white lilies, pink roses, white and yellow daisies, and other complementary blooms. Set against lush greenery elevates the bouquet with timeless elegance. Its delicate pastel colours make Classy an amazing choice for wedding flowers, or as a gift. Designed with care by the expert florists at Linard.
Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 2 customer ratings
(2 customer reviews)
Availability: 1 in stock
Jye –
A beautiful bouquet that was well received and loved. We were amazed at how long they stayed alive and beautiful. You have a repeat customer in me. Thank you.
Amanda Patrick –
The girls at Linard floral were very helpful and able to provide a beautiful arrangement for my family. And I also received a photo of how the flowers looked before they were delivered.